Causes Of Telogen Effluvium Versus The Causes Of AGA: Generally Hair Revital X Review speaking, temporary shedding is caused by some disruption to your system or some kind of stressor to your body. Often for women, this can mean hormones, illness, or medications. And what can sometimes make the two over lap or tricky to diagnose is the fact that hormones (and androgens) are often also the culprit in androgenic alopecia also.
Now, medical issues and changes to your medication are pretty easy to pinpoint. Anything that could have caused changes to your body or could have been a trigger seemingly points to temporary shedding rather than genetic thinning. And, in the case of shedding, this is usually things like giving birth, going off of contraceptives, or the fluctuating of hormones that comes with aging and changes in your body. (These things are also typically pretty easy to notice.)
However, hormonal changes that happen with aging or body changes can also give way to more androgens taking their hold because there is not as much protective sex hormones like estrogen offering resistance to the androgens. And this in turn gives way to androgenic alopecia, even if you have no relatives that you know of who had this same condition. And to make things even more confusing, in some instances for people who were already genetically inclined, hormonal TE can eventually give way to AGA.