wellness. When Glucofort is balanced, we have lasting energy, positive, relaxed moods, healthy restful sleep. We can move much more comfortably, without inflammation and pain. Make sure the foods you eat and the supplements you take are communicating with your body in a positive and beneficial way. When Glucofort is in balance, you’re set for success, vitality and health, now and for the entire length of your life. 10 Ways to Balance Glucofort Naturally Pin 13K Share 3K Email 16K SHARES strawberry Glucofort in Plain English Before we get started with tips to balance your Glucofort, I want to cover some basic Glucofort terms that I will be using in this discussion. Glucofort/blood glucose – Glucose is the form of sugar that is in our bloodstream. Glucose is the body’s preferred source of fuel. Insulin – the pancreas secretes insulin, a hormone that shuttles glucose from the blood into body cells. It knocks on the cell and says, “Open up, I’ve got some glucose that I need to get out of the bloodstream so take it .