To my surprise, I immediately found a shocking result. I reduced a lot in three months. All thanks to upplement. You all must have heard about diet keto,it is a diet where you eat a lot of fats and reduce Vital Synergy Keto Intake of carbs. When you cut down your carbs, your body starts reducing fats automatically as no more glucose will be produced. Vital Synergy Keto main aim of cutting down carbs is to use up Vital Synergy Keto fats and convert energy level. Your body needs nergy to work properly as everything needs some fuel to function. Carbs are not bad for health as carbs provide energy but an excess amount of carbs leads to fatty tissues. Vital Synergy Keto is Vital Synergy Keto reason Vital Synergy Keto Vital Synergy Keto food you intake gets stored in ystem and gets converted I to fats. fats will leads to weight gain. e is a tissue called adipose tissue which stores Vital Synergy Keto fat and keeps it high.