There would need to be many additional ADHD subtypes to adequately Meridian Health Protocol Review categorize all the possible combinations of ADHD symptoms. If we were to make a fourth subtype for individuals with ADHD-PI and Sluggish Cognitive Tempo the symptoms would break down as follows: ADHD-HI: Symptoms of hyperactivity and Impulsiveness without a significant amount of inattention. ADHD-C: Symptoms of Inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. ADHD-PI: Symptoms of Inattention without hyperactivity, sluggishness, or impulsiveness.
ADHD-PI/SCT: Symptoms of Inattention and slow processing without symptoms of impulsiveness Sluggish Cognitive Tempo can is a condition where an individual, cognitively, is continually in an under aroused state. Not all individuals with Inattentive ADHD have symptoms of SCT. Currently SCT is classified as a subcategory of the Predominantly Inattentive subtype of ADHD.
The American Psychiatric Association is reconsidering the current classification of SCT and it is likely that this mental health condition will likely have its own category separate from the Inattentive ADHD category in the 2012 DSM-V. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a behavioral disorder that affects nearly ten percent of all school aged children. Parents raising children diagnosed with ADHD can benefit from different discipline methods than those they were raised with.