There are several foot odor home remedies, which when you follow, will End Of Gout Review help you keep your feet drier and smelling better. Wash your feet properly to wipe of the perspiration from the sweat glands of your feet. Sweating is one of the ways to get rid of excreta and as such, you do not expect the smell of the sweat to be pleasant. For the strong odors, you may need to clean your feet repeatedly during the day. For many people, it is unknown, the number of times that they need to wash their feet in a day.
The truth is that you should do it enough times to keep away the bacteria. However, you should not over do it because the feet have protective oils and too much washing will cause scaly skin. If your feet are too sweaty, you should soak your feet in a solution of water and kosher salt. Kosher salt is just like ordinary salt, save for the fact that it has bigger crystals. After soaking them, do not dot rinse your feet. Instead, thoroughly dry them. As many may know of the effect of salt on your skin, the drying effect will put away the sweat and bad odor.
Another foot odor home remedy is using the deodorant that you use under the armpits. Take a good look at the label, so that you do not harm your feet. These deodorants have ingredients that kill the bacteria and as such, they eliminate the odor. With ankles supporting the whole body weight, ankle injuries are the most common injuries a person may undergo. While treatment for foot and ankle injuries have evolved over the years, the best way to treat is by understanding the injuries and implementing the right treatment for the condition.