Have you ever tried to do work in a crowded cafe'? It is not easy, and Flora Spring Review often I find myself trying very hard to tune out the conversations around me. But today, I happened to sit down next to two women and I just couldn't shut my ears. One woman was telling her friend about the new diet program she had started, which is a pretty common conversation right now considering we just started a new year. After listening only a few minutes, I was finding it extremely difficult not to poke my nose in their conversation. Still, I mustered the strength to just sit and keep typing away on my laptop.
This woman next to me was telling her friend about all the different types of prepared food her "great new diet" included; energy snack bars, pre-packaged meals, oatmeal and soup that miraculously all had the same caloric quality and nutrient impact. I wondered, how are these companies so good at making someone think that was good for their health? The diet this woman was describing could only be one of those programs where the meals are packaged nicely into individually wrapped boxes that are labeled with nutrition information that illogically tries to help you understand how it will affect your body.
or those of you that often wish and hope that the latest diet you've heard about will bring you to the shape you dream to be, take some time to read the article, "Fad Diets: Why They Are Bad & How To Spot Them," by Wellsphere.com. This poor women sitting near me had fallen prey to one of these fad diets, a program that doesn't encourage you to eat real food, because heaven forbid you can't count the actual number of calories in the food you are eating!